BOST voice out for government to concentrate on individual groups in the oil sector


The junior and senior staff unions of the Bulk Oil Storage and Transportation (BOST) have called on government to concentrate on dealing severely with a group of individuals who have formed a cartel in the oil sector and driving prices of petroleum products in the country.

The associations in a statement said this is the only means that will help the government to continuously keep the prices of oil down in the country.

They further charged government to concentrate on retooling BOST which according to them have the capacity to run the oil sector very effectively.

“It is only BOST that has the adequate infrastructure and the human resource capacity to bring the petroleum prices down so government should pay attention to us and ignore the selfish and greedy people who have formed a great cartel that has dominated the industry…,” the group said.

The executives of the two unions led by Mr Abdul Jamil, Mr Ekow Sey, Mr Mampaya, and Mr Newton Godfred Amoh cautioned government against a great cartel in the petroleum industry which they said aim at protecting their selfish interest of making abnormal profit at the expense of ordinary Ghanaians.

They therefore stated that the great cartel has been in the system for long and can only be suppressed when the President, the Vice President, Chief of Staff and the Energy Minister understand the important role that BOST can play to bring petroleum prices down in the interest of the economy and the ordinary consumers of petroleum products.“It should be noted that although a large number of the population do not have cars to fill directly from the pump, however they indirectly pay for the high petroleum prices when on board a Taxi or Trotro. Therefore, the government cannot leave such a sensitive national issue wholely in the hands of a few private men who have formed a cartel to deceive the state…,” the groups said in a statement.The senior and junior staff also pleaded with Ghanaians put their political differences aside and support BOST to fight the cartel ‘because they are the cause of the high petroleum prices.’“Government should know that in the deregulatory petroleum regime like ours without any giant governmental agency playing a role; even if the government removes all taxes the private sector who now controls the industry will replace it with profit in a smart way leaving the ordinary consumers in their vulnerable states. Hence reducing taxes is not the ultimate option.”The association urged government to be up and doing and be wary of the cartel which they believe are working to ensure the defeat of the party in 2020.

source :Adomonline

Afia Schwarzenegger in a white dress to pass for a wedding gown

Once again, celebrated Ghanaian media personality, Afia Schwarzenegger, was the toast of social media users, when she released a lovely photo of herself.This time around, she settled for a bridal outlook and wore a lovely white dress, that could easily pass for a wedding gown.With a beautiful hairstyle, a glowing skin and an infectious smile, she easily wowed her fans, who could not stop admiring her.In the spirit of the celebration of Easter, she shared an important message with her fans as well.According to her, the blood of Jesus is capable of speaking for everyone. Unsurprisingly, compliments flowed from all corners:
Afia Schwarzenegger Easter

@sinaajua “This woman is so elegant. Live, my dear live” @obeworthy exclaimed: “Queen!! Where did you leave your crown?”@makeup_mafia4464 also noted that: “Your pictures are breathtaking…when i see them, it just tells me you are doing just you” and @sannysmakeup also wrote: “WowI couldn’t just pass by…haven’t seen you like this in a long time.”Afia Schwar has had several stints as a radio host with notable radio stations in Ghana, including Happy FM and EIB network’s Kasapa FM.She also hosted the Kokooko show on Despite Group’s UTV, before leaving to work with Angel TV. Afia Schwar has however taken up a role at TV Africa.

Afia Schwarzenegger Easter

@sinaajua “This woman is so elegant. Live, my dear live” @obeworthy exclaimed: “Queen!! Where did you leave your crown?”@makeup_mafia4464 also noted that: “Your pictures are breathtaking…when i see them, it just tells me you are doing just you” and @sannysmakeup also wrote: “WowI couldn’t just pass by…haven’t seen you like this in a long time.”Afia Schwar has had several stints as a radio host with notable radio stations in Ghana, including Happy FM and EIB network’s Kasapa FM.She also hosted the Kokooko show on Despite Group’s UTV, before leaving to work with Angel TV. Afia Schwar has however taken up a role at TV Africa.


A chicken from the Ratchaburi Province in central Thailand has been hailed as a “true warrior” for surviving more than a week after being decapitated. It has now been adopted by monks who are feeding it by pumping food into its throat with a syringe.

The headless chicken first made news headlines earlier this week, after photos and videos of it went viral on Thai social media, but no one actually expected it to survive so long without a head. Facebook user Noppong Thitthammo was the first to share the story of the resilient bird, along with photos showing the mangled remains of its neck. He wrote that a vet in the Mueang Ratchaburi district of Ratchaburi Province had been caring for it, feeding it by dropping food down its neck and giving it antibiotics to prevent the infection of its wounds.

“The animal has its life. If it wants to live, we feed it,” Supakadee Arun Thong, the vet who had adopted the headless .

Nobody seems to know how the chicken lost its head, although many suspect it must have been attacked by an animal predator. Regardless of the circumstances in which it lost its head, everyone agrees that the decapitation should have proved fatal, but the bird refuses to die. And not only is it still alive, but it can also stand and walk around aimlessly.

At first, most people thought that the whole thing was a hoax, and that the photos of the headless chicken had been photoshopped, but then a video of it started doing the rounds online, and western news outlets started picking up the story as well.

Believe it or not, this is not the first time chicken to survive without a head. Mike the headless chicken was also a media sensation between 1945 and 1947, surviving a whopping 18 months. He too was believed to be a hoax, until his owner took him to the University of Utah in Salt Lake City for confirmation.

These rare cases of survival are apparently linked to their unique anatomy. The chickens’ brain is located in their skull at an angle, so if they are beheaded to high up the neck, the rear part of the brain, which controls automatic functions like breathing, can remain intact. So if the jugular somehow doesn’t rupture, causing the bird to eventually bleed to death, the bird can apparently survive even without a head.

After seeing that the headless chicken in her care didn’t feel like dying anytime soon, Supakadee Arun Thong started wondering what would come of it.

“Who will take him and care for him? He will need lifelong care. I have to admit that this chicken is a true warrior with a very tough heart,” she told reporters.

Luckily, monks at a temple in Ratchaburi Province were more than happy to adopt the headless chicken and are reportedly feeding it food and water by pumping them down its throat with a syringe.

Source :Adomonline

Winnie Mandela has died

File photo: Winnie Madikizela-Mandel

Struggle stalwart Winnie Madikizela-Mandela has passed away.The apartheid icon has been ill for a number of years and was most recently admitted to Milpark Hospital due to a kidney infection.The last time the stalwart was in a hospital was in October 2017 for a knee surgery, which she recovered from.During the 27-year imprisonment of her ex-husband, Nelson Mandela, for his fight against apartheid, Madikizela-Mandela campaigned for his release and the rights of black South Africans, undergoing arrest and banishment.
White minority rule ended in 1994.winnie-mandela.jpgThe former South African first lady was born in the village of Mbongweni, Bizana, in the Transkei.
